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Amanda Seyfried Talks About Kristen

MarieClaire UK Amanda’s aware the classic Red Riding Hood remake – helmed by Twilight director Catherine Hardwicke – could transport her to a never level of fame, that might change her life forever. And, having noted what happened to Kristen Stewart, she’s both fearful and ambitious. ‘She’s [Kristen Stewart] uncomfortable with it,’ Amanda tells us, ‘but also, it’s like she’s only being noticed for that and she’s been working for so long.’

‘I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t just a little bit annoyed at the Twilight comparisons,’ the Chanel-clad star says of her latest movie. Does she worry about being in Kristen Stewart’s situation? ‘I don’t think that will happen to me,’ she says. ‘I don’t think about it. What if it doesn’t do well? Then I won’t have to deal with it. If it does do well? It’s different from Twilight.’

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