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Armani Exchange F/W 09-10 Ads by Tom Munro


Armani Exchange unveiled their new Fall/Winter 2009-10 ad campaign by Tom Munro. Major hottie Kerry Degman is the only model that survived from the super hot S/S 09 cast. The bum-bearing Parker Gregory is replaced by a headless Carlos Freire, while Michaela Hlaváèková takes over the spot of Rianne Ten Haken. I would have preferred if the ads changed up the formula of two guys and one girl, but I can’t complain much with the below picture of Kerry Degman rocking these white A|X briefs.



It’s currently a mystery if the elimination of Carlos Freire’s face/head in the ads was part of the original scheme, or if it’s a ‘situation’. We have to thank Made in Brazil for being the first blog to identify Carlos. Even with his face obscured, Carlos’ rock hard abs steal the scene in the second image. If you wanna see how Carlos actually looks like, check him out at our VGL friends.



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