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Justin Timberlake Diggin' Rob's Style

Justin Timberlake talked to Playboy recently, and guess whose name came up?

PLAYBOY: You’ve also influenced people with your fashion choices, including your clothing line, William Rast. You wear a certain hat or sneaker and suddenly everyone’s wearing it. Does that ever feel weird?

TIMBERLAKE: I don’t think about my influence on stuff like that too much. I see a lot of young guys dressing more like I should have been dressing when I was their age. Robert Pattinson dresses properly. He’s more adept than I was. But I don’t know. I don’t think there’s been one specific person other than Sinatra who has influenced my style.

Yeap, you read it. Even Timberlake thinks Rob is THE man. And coming from the person who put on the best history of rap medley evah (with the help of Jimmy Fallon), we'd say that's a pretty nice compliment.

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