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Lara Stone’s Blackface by Steven Klein, French Vogue


The ever controversial French Vogue lives up to its reputation in the October 2009 issue with an eye-popping collaboration with Steven Klein. The controversy is not about the usual sex and violence, but about race. Klein’s favorite model of the moment, Lara Stone, was transformed into a black woman with blackface & styling by Carine Roitfeld. This is not Klein’s first time with blackface, he’s done it a couple of times before in Vogue Italia (February 2006 & March 2004). But for some reason, this time it’s causing a stir.



I personally find the editorial extremely thought-provoking. Take for example the below ‘cracked paint’ image. Are we all black on the inside? Are black people trying to look white? Are white people trying to be black? Does the color of the skin really matter? Or maybe Klein is simply a fan of Mad Men, which pulled a blackface stunt in a recent episode.



+ see more Steven Klein | Lara Stone | Vogue | Carine Roitfeld features