Photographer G Benard shares with us his new satellite experiment series ‘My Lonely Intimate Mornings.’ The images will be published in a book in June alongside their exhibition in Barcelona.
But what’s the story? Benard explains, "When some years ago I moved to Barcelona, from my window I had a view that never had before: several buildings right in front and "too" close. I saw myself once at night looking to those windows, observing people coming in and out from the rooms, kitchen, etc in separate lives. They probably wouldn't know their own neighbors, but I was observing their intimate lives as if they were in a stage, co-existing but not meeting each other. This inspired me for this "satellite experiment" project, showing the intimate lonely mornings of the "neighbors". I'm on this side, as if I was the security guard watching the video cam's control. You're on your intimate corner, living and feeling without meeting me. But you know that I'm watching you... and you don't mind. At all."