More pics of Rob on the roof of Hotel de Rome
Translation by jamanay via ToR /ROBsessed
BILD deFate has bitten him. He is wrong beautiful. Sleepy eyes. Angular head. Tousled hair. Stubble beard Hilfiger vampire. Living lips.An innocent, shy, romantic smile. Perfect! Robert Pattinson (24, “ Twilight ”saga), the man with whom every woman wants to have breakfast. A mix of Hugh Grant, James Dean, and Jesus Christ biertrinkendem vampire.
Hotel de Rome. Roof terrace.Bodyguard. Assistants – and image.He is tall, shy, open, relaxed, friendly, humble, loves to laugh and has a warm, careful voice. He drinks Coke. He is wearing an outfit of “Hugo Boss”: “It was hanging as a gift in my suite – and my clothes were dirty.”
More after the CUT.
BILD: Describe yourself?
“I do not even know who I am. Earlier, before I became famous, it was easy.Now it’s hard. If you still have to talk about yourself, your character is exhausted. I am me. “
He came with Air Berlin from the Caribbean – no private jet. He will travel with hand luggage: backpack, bag and guitar. He smokes is allergic to hashish, and earned 27 million dollars last year.His life’s dream and nightmare. “. I’m afraid to buy me a house because it would then be besieged” His success is his prison, he is on the run – before millions of fans. His latest film “Water for Elephants” is a true mirror of his soul (last premiere in Berlin, Germany). Story: A young vet loses everything. He jumps on a circus train – and will grow up painfully. His love Reese Witherspoon. His opponent: Christoph Waltz!
A kind of “Gone with the Wind” on rails: “I felt in the movie so well, because I myself could be. I had a little talk – but much respond. I felt almost naked soul. “
BILD: How do you live?
“I wake up and fall asleep. My most important friend is my alarm clock. I read books on my Kindle and my second iPad “
BILD: Do you believe in fate?
“I think I am already, makes everything easier – you can do what you want.”
BILD: What does happiness mean to you?
“Simple things. I’m easy to make happy. A pizza and a sixpack of beer are enough. “
BILD: What is your most important possession?
“I do not own anything. I always wear my Gibson electric guitar from 1963 with me. I love to lose my phone. Then you are so free! “
BILD: No truck?
“Sometimes I am obsessed. I heard and collect things – but I’m not a house. I put everything in storage houses. “
Oscar-Star Christoph Waltz comes.
BILD: What makes Rob unique?
! You need to look at him only “director Francis Lawrence laughs:” He has a secret, something magnetic. Only a camera can detect it and there are people who radiate suddenly laughs “Robert Pattinson – about themselves."
BILD: Are you single or in love?
He laughs even more. His big blue eyes look at me. His teeth dazzle: “Well, yes, I am single but I am also in love.”
BILD: With whom?
He laughs, I laugh, we laugh, “I sometimes feel like a native in the jungle.Such a question is like a photo of your soul. I let me steal my soul. “
Updated! As per C_Waltz_Fans of christophwaltzfans.com "Christoph Waltz has Green Eyes. He only answered one question in that interview. The last two were Rob. Settled. You can put it down as confirmed to be Rob, as my German is good enough to understand the article + cw would not answer those questions. He is also married. those answers could not have come from him. They are Rob's words."
If we know Rob, this source def knows Christoph, as much. Thanks.
Ok, since this is a German article and its translated. Its hard to know who answered the last 2 questions, was it Christoph or did the interviewer went back to Rob (since this was Rob's interview after all). Gah. Whatever, we know better. lol